Monday, October 20, 2008

Things I Think I Think:

  1. The Apocalypse has come! With big financial institutions failing in the land of milk and honey, every doomsayer worth his weight in salt is predicting a "Great Depression 2.0". Will this financial crisis get worse or have we seen the worst? Abangan!
  2. As further proof that the apocalypse has come, a black man is about to be elected president of the United States of A. Also, the four horsemen were reportedly sighted at Sta. Ana.
  3. With gas prices so low, shouldn't fares too? Just wondering.
  4. As mentioned above, with gas prices lower than the previous months, there's this pervasive feeling that it should be lower than current levels. A lot of people, including me, are thinking why can't the oil companies be more transparent in their pricing? Easy, they don't want us to know how they are cheating us.
  5. I can understand now why there is such a thing as "road rage". As a new driver, I experience it everyday in the form of motorcycles, PUJs and PUVs izigging and zagging the streets without abandon & making the road their personal parking space as they wait for passengers. As if that's not enough, unruly pedestrians cross the road on very inopportune times. With all these a driver have to deal with, it's very easy for someone to snap (ala Rolito Go). The point is, if everybody just follow traffic rules, then everything'll be fine. But then again, this is the Philippines. We thrive when there's chaos.
  6. How time flies. I can't believe it's about to be November. It seemed like May was only a couple of weeks ago. In a couple of months, we'll be celebrating the yuletide season and ushering in a new year. This early, I'm seeing some Christmas lights already. Even the air is colder now.
  7. I so love statistics. Of all the math subjects in college, statistics was by far the subject I liked most. And now in grad school, I still love it. Wala lang.

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